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My husband has been gambling since the day I met him. The past year or so it has gotten out of control. He has been going to a sports bar that has machines

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My Wife Is A Slot Machine Addict

My wife goes to an Indian casino in San Diego County anywhere from two to five times a month, and probably wastes at least $1,000 per month--maybe more.

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Help With Gambling Addiction, Help for Families of Problem Gamblers

A free resource for families needing help with gambling addiction problems impacting their life and love ones.

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Quitting Gambling Addiction Before It's Too Late

I am a binge gambler, which means that 90% of the time I appear well-functioning in my daily job and life. But then I go to the casino and start playing

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Help for Gambling Addiction, Options for Getting Help

Is a problem gambler impacting your life? Learn different ways to get help for gambling addiction.

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What Is Gaslighting?

Learn about Gaslighting and how gambling addicts use it!

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Help Needed For My Gambling Problem!

Here is my story. A friend showed me an online gambling site. I love sports, so what the heck. After my first bet it spiraled quickly. I won my first

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Gam-Amon is a Blessing to Me

I began attending Gam-Anon about 2 1/2 years ago; just a few days after my dad admitted to having a gambling problem. We were in emotional chaos, and the

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What is the right thing to do to support a gambler?

Married for thirteen years. Have run the gamut of emotions and so called solutions. I have been reading a bunch of gamblers stories and many that are in

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How compulsive gambling destroyed our family.

I have finally had enough of my husband's gambling. I have been reflecting back on our life, and am stunned how I hid the gambling from everyone who loves

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Am I Liable For My Gambler's Debt?

One of the first things that spouses of gamblers tend to focus on first is thinking about how to protect themselves and their family from the financial

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A Wife Of A Compulsive Gambler - 4 Weeks Down After Discovery

My husband is a compulsive gambler. I have known for about four weeks. I cannot be sure of the exact date; time for me has stood still. I am stuck in a

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Help With Gambling Addiction, Therapy as a Means of Help

Therapy for yourself and your gambler is a great tool for getting help with gambling addiction.

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Family Crisis Intervention Services, The Cost of an Addiction Intervention

Learn about the cost of family crisis intervention services for gambling addiction.

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Gam-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous for Spouses, Family & Friends

Learn how Gam-Anon can help with addiction recovery for spouses of problem gamblers.

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Help-With-Gambling-Addiction's Privacy Policy

This site values and protects your privacy - Please read the privacy policy details.

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About, My Gambling Addiction Story

Learn about MY story!

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Addiction Abstinence

As someone who has a partner that has a history of gambling addiction, I struggle with how to deal with abstinence. Once a gambling addict becomes self

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Abstinence Versus Recovery - Which one is it?!

How to tell the difference between gambling Abstinence versus Recovery?

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Gambling Addiction Recovery, Abstinence vs. Recovery

Abstinence is NOT the same as gambling addiction recovery - Learn why!

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Gambling Addiction Help Online, FREE ezine

Signup for my FREE newsletter & get a FREE gambling addiction help online ebook written by Dr. Mitchell Wallick!

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Family Intervention, What's the Intervention Process?

Learn about the 3 phases of a family intervention for gambling addiction!

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Crisis Intervention Strategies, How Does an Intervention Work?

Bringing the Bottom Up - Crisis intervention strategies for helping problem gamblers.

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Addiction Intervention, Should You Plan a Gambling Addiction Intervention?

Considering a gambling addiction intervention? Learn about what it is and whether you should do an intevention.

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I Have Gambling and Mental Issues

I gambled away my money and my life. When I feel depressed for not having money, I would end up in a casino. Sometimes I won big, however, most of the

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I'm A Recovering Addicted Compulsive Gambler

My name is Catherine, and I'm a recovering addicted compulsive gambler. Jan 29th, 2014 will be my 7 year recovery B-day. As I spent time reading your website

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Shock, Fear and Guilt

My best friend confided in me recently that she may have a gambling problem. Unknown until the last two years, she was in an abusive relationship for

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Didn't think gambling addiction could EVER happen to me - I was too smart for it

I have been blessed in one way...that I didn't lose everything that I owned or have saved... But, I've lost a lot. I've lost about 2 million dollars in

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Compulsive Gambling Help, Stories of Addiction

Stories & advice directly from people struggling with gambling addiction - Learn what they need to get compulsive gambling help!

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Gamblers Anonymous Didn't Work For Me

I know that others have had very different experiences in Gamblers Anonymous, but for me it was a painful experience to say the least. Week after week

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